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Welcome to Liberation Day 2024

Thursday 9th May

Welcome to Liberation Day 2024

Thursday 9th May

Welcome to Liberation Day 2024

Thursday 9th May

Welcome to Liberation Day 2024

Thursday 9th May

Liberation Day is the most important day in Guernsey’s calendar and commemorates the islands’ freedom from the German Occupation during World War II.

Celebrated annually on 9th May, the festivities provide an opportunity for islanders to remember the days of Occupation, which played such a monumental role in shaping both the landscape and the lives of the people of Guernsey.

Watch Live Coverage of Liberation Day here in Guernsey

Watch Live Coverage of Liberation Day here in Guernsey

Join the Liberation Day Community

We would love to hear from anyone who may not normally take part in the day but is keen to join us. This could be anything from running a stall to performing or volunteering to be a marshal on the day. We want to continue bringing Guernsey together - supporting one another - on such an important day for the Bailiwick.

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