Following the success of last year’s Liberation Day, where the focus was on community-based events throughout the island’s parishes, the Committee for Education, Sport & Culture has supported plans to continue this approach going forward.
The Committee has agreed to split funding, which would have previously been used to put on events in Town, and distribute it to douzaines for them to organise official parish celebrations. The overall budget for Liberation Day will remain the same and this exciting approach will ensure that every parish will have the opportunity to receive a grant to support the development of community-based events. Positive discussions have taken place with parish representatives with widespread support for this change in approach.
One event that will definitely be making another appearance is the island-wide cavalcade, which was enjoyed by thousands of islanders last year and further supports efforts to make Liberation Day a whole-island occasion rather than being primarily focused on Town.
The commemorative events in the morning will remain in St Peter Port with the Laying of the Wreath, the Military Parade, Parade Inspection and Town Church Service. During the afternoon the island-wide cavalcade will pass through the centre of town and Castle Cornet’s ‘Liberation Music at the Castle’ with free entry all day will also go ahead. The traditional firework display will again take place over St Peter Port in the evening.
Liberation Day has always been inclusive with events for islanders to enjoy free of charge. Parishes receiving a grant will be asked to continue this ethos so commercial events will not be considered for funding. A comprehensive programme of what’s on in all parishes across the day will be complied and shared at
Additionally, the live streaming of events for the last two Liberation Days has proved very successful and popular so this technology will continue to be utilised. The church service with music, island-wide cavalcade and fireworks will be live-streamed this year.
Deputy Sue Aldwell, Member of the Committee for Education, Sport & Culture who is the lead for the Liberation Day Committee, said:
‘We are so excited about the plans for this year and the direction of travel for future Liberation Days. Last year was such a success as the whole community came together to put on events throughout the island. The feedback we received, including the hugely popular island-wide cavalcade, was so enthusiastic. When officers leading on the organising of Liberation Day came up with the plan to move forward with parish-focused celebrations, the Committee was fully supportive. Liberation Day is for the whole island and by ensuring every parish has the opportunity to secure funding to host an event, we are going to make it as accessible as possible for everyone to get involved. We are looking forward to sharing more with the community as we continue working with the parishes and plans develop further.’
Becky Link, Torteval Senior Constable, said:
‘I have to say that the 2021 Liberation Day was one of the best. In Torteval a Liberation Day church service was organised and then we had a “Bring and Share” lunch in the Parish Hall. At 2pm we walked up to the main road where we had the pleasure of watching the cavalcade. It was fantastic. Having chatted to many, many parishioners everyone agreed it was a brilliant day and so much better than going into Town. We appreciate that on the big anniversaries there might be some Town events, but we truly are happy to keep it to the parish.’
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